Guest Book
Guest Book
I love this program!! Thanks so much for your hard work.

I really appreciate the hard effort you put in making all schooloverseers assignment of caring for the school easier! The different features really saves time for us! Thank you!

A sincere thank you for all you have done and continue doing in behalf of us all Rob.  Your support of this wonderful product is unsurpassed and we are very grateful to you for that kind of a loving attitude.  It seems that no suggestion (large or small) is left unanswered by you.  Thank you again our dear Christian brother!

What a helpful program!- Especially for someone who finds it a challenge to use a P.C.-- Your very well organized and very much appreciated!
Thanks again.

Hi I have not had the pleasure of useing this program. Just ran into this site by accident and thought i would say "keep up the good work".

I was searching the web for a page that was emailed to me and found this.  This is a very nice program and I plan to use it once I get my pc up and going.

Thank you for your hard work.

With Sincere Agape

I am looking forward to using TMS Explorer.  I appreciate being able to navigate through the program so easily.
I thank you for your hard work.

In an area still recovering from the effects of a CAT 4 Hurricane it is nice to find something to make my life a little easier... Thanks!

I've just been reassigned the privilege of being the School Overseer after spending many years at other assignments within the congregation.

So it has been 5 years or more since I last downloaded and used your program.

Wow! Have you ever improved it. I thought it was good back then. But now you've really taken it over the top.

I promise to send in suggestions to your wish list if I can think of any so that you can continue to improve this excellent tool.

I sincerely hope that the very modest contribution you request is supporting all your efforts.

After several years of using TMS Explorer I cannot express how much easier the TMS has become. The students are excited to view the new schedule & sometimes I cannot get the talk slips to the students before they are already preparing their talks. The 2005 enhancements are much appreciated as well as your continued diligent efforts to maintain a very thorough program. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK.

Nice program - excellent effort thank you for keeping it updated

Thank you so much - Your software is working very well so far.
I appreciate the work you do.

As usual a great job and right on time. Your work and continued program improvements help me make much better use of my time and is very much appreciated.

Thanks again.

Thank you so much Bro.!!!!

I very much appreciate your considerable efforts to provide us a helpful tool for the TMS.
I used TMSS before and am very happy you continued on with providing a scheduling tool.

I have only one thought for improvement. It would be helpful to have a history of who the
househoulder was for the sisters talks.  Many complain to me that they get the same sister for their
househoulder.  Maybe I am doing something wrong.  If so please correct me.

Your efforts in maintaining this software at the high standards you've set are very much appreciated. I also very much appreciate the touch of humor you've added to the program with the inclusion of the Elmer Fudd language group. I've been tempted to put up a schedule in this language on the board just to see the reaction. Imagine a congregation speaking Elmer Fudd what a blast that would be. Thanks and keep up the fine work.


Thank You Brother for making this program available to us.  I has made the job of scheduling the student assignments so much easier.  The program works well.  Thank you for the hard work you put into this program.

Robert no words can explain the benefits of this program.  The brothers in our spanish congregation see how organized our bulletin board is and once the program is placed on the board they get anxious to review the program so they can see if they have an assignment.  I have share this program with a few of my friends who serve as school overseeer all are thankful for your hard work and all the personal time you take to help the brothers around the world.  You have a gift and you are sharing this gift with all of us.  Thank you very...very...very....much.
Lot's of agape

Num 6:24

Thank you so much - Your software is working very well so far.
I appreciate the work you do.

this program is awesome
ty for creating it

Your program has made the difference like night and day. It cuts the time in half in putting together all talks and keeping them organized. I appreciate all the time and labor that was put in this package and hope you will continue to keep this valuable provision available. Thanks again

Thank you very much for you work.

Your program is just wonderful. I've handled the tms for several years  now and certainly appreciate the fine work that has gone into this program.  I've had to schedule 3 schools by hand and believe me your program is a time saver. Thank you Rob for all your fine work.

 I realy love the new features they took me by suprise as I upgraded just by visiting website & attempting backup
 This is truly a great help to us all!!
 Don\'t stop providing this excellent tool!

Great program!!!!  Thank you so much.

Great program and a wonderful update.  Very simple to use. I love to see what you could do with a Public Talk scheduling program.   Thanks again for your hard work.

This is an outstanding program ... it makes the job of TMS Overseer much easier!

Thank you!

I must say that all that work in this program is outstanding.  Thank you so much and we really appreciate your work.

I'm just getting the hack of using the program but we have a large congregation and the degree of help this provides is almost indescribable.
Much thanks and please keep up the great work.

My dearest brother...
    TMS 2004 has been the best gift you could have provided Jah's people. This program helps us to be organized just as Jah wants us too... as 1 Co. 14:33 says God is not a God of disorder but of peace (order). This is a blessing. Thank you very much..

Excellent program!!! I still have to figure out how to print the assignment slips but it has to do with the printer I have.  Other than that I just got it and it is amazing and I can see being more organized with the school now and help the brothers more.


I can't thank you and enough for the hard work and diligence you put into this program. My computer was down for about 2 weeks due to a nasty virus and I really saw how valuable and efficient the TMS is. I have been a user for a little over 2 years and am EXTREMELY satisfied.

As a newly appointed elder the School is my first assignment. The previous TMSO provided me with a copy of your program which he has been using for some time. It certainly made the transition easier. Much thanks for all your efforts.

This program is amazing!  Thank you so much for making it availible.  All you hard work was worth it!  I am find it to be such a time saver for making schedules and keeping track of everyones progress.  After I do an AUTOFILL I always check to make sure the talks fit the student but everything else takes care of itself.  And the information it allows me to review at the touch of a button is fantastic.  I just wish their was a way to view a phone list of all the brothers and sister that are marked in the program as potential fill-ins on short notice.  And a way to make how short a notice they need.  A day a week etc.  Just a thought.  IN any case this program is as professional as i have seen for freeware-  Absolutely amazing!

anytime I can find a program that elimanates a lot of pencil pushing I am for it.

Thank you

This is a great program! A real life saver. I\'ve been a school overseer for 13 years (with a bit of a break after the 12th year!) and the only thing I really did not like about conducting the school was the schedule.
This program makes it a breeze. Well worth the contribution for it.

Very Good program.  Very easy to use.  Thank you for your hard work.

Once I master this program I'll use it to assign my family members (there are six of us) a talk each week. I am pleased to have access of a fine printable program as this. Many thanks!

Computers are susposed to take the tedious repetative work out of our hands and this one certaionly does a very fine job. At the same time it allows us to choose who is best qualified for the talk so as to build up and encourage the congregation and at the same time enhance their abilities as a speaker.
You have done much hard work & it is appreciated immensely thank you....

Your program has saved me a considerable amount of time thank you for all your hard work and effort.


Thank you so much for this wonderful tool! I am taking the school back after a couple of years off. This program is so much more user friendly than the one I used in the past. I hope that I can only serve the congregation as well as this program serves me:)

I really appreciate this program it has made scheduling talks so much easier.  This is a great tool.

I have thoroughly enjoyed using your version of the TMS Software. It has many more enhancements than others I have used. You have put alot of thought into how we need to organize and properly handle the TMS. Please keep up the good work.

I cannot begin to tell you the time saver that you have provided for so many brothers. If only you could come up with a program to keep brothers on time for the speech quality talk 5 min. goes by so fast. All kidding aside this is just great. The additions through out the year have been awesome. Thank you very much.

This is a wonderful theocratic tool !! The amount of time saved is just GREAT as  a pioneer and Theocratic School Overseer I appreciate the use of such valuable resource.

Thank you for your effort and time the borhterhood appreciates it!!

DV Texas USA
I love your website.  Keep up the great work.

I want all to know what an advantage this program has been for one who had not conducted the school for more than 30 years.  It has made the transition from a paper driven and time consuming task to a pleasure and privilege that I am now passing on to another elder. Thank you Rob for YOUR paitence and perseverance.

Great program. thanks it makes our job more effective and helpful to the friends.

Dear brother

I'm newly appointed and the School is my first assignment. I was thoroughly amazed when the Presiding Overseer came over and installed your program. I've learned a little programming in school and on the job... and Wow! the time and effort put into writing and debugging such a professional looking tool with such complexity! I look forward to spending more of my time developing my skills as a counselor and improving the quality of our School rather than filling out talk slips etc.

Much thanks!
Just starting with it so far I love it and you for your effort and who you are.
I just found your site today. Someone from my site had posted it and I just wanted to say  thanks for your hard work.
Thanks so very much for this wonderful program my brother.  It has truly been a God-send to all TMSOs.  My wife wanted me to thank you as well because now i don't have to spend as much time doing the school as i used to and now she lays claim to that "extra" time.  take care and continue to keep up the "good" work. (Luke 6:45a)

My Brother
My sincere thanks for the sacrifice you've obviously made in creating this tool. I work here at Watchtower Farms (US Bethel) and though I'm not the School Overseer I help with prety much everything but the councel. I just started about a year ago and the brother doing this before me was not very organized. I was so glad when I finally set up this program it saves me hours.. hours that I can't afford to spend. In case you havn't heard already your program is allowing many of us here at Bethel to focus attention on more important things.

Thank you.
Rob You've done a great job at putting this together! I have not had one technical problem so far in over 8 months since first downloading. It's a HUGE timesaver and allows me to spend more time thinking through appropriate talk assignments instead spending most of my time on the logistics (organizing papers and writing slips). You're donation arrangement shows good motives on your part.

Keep it up! Regards
If I can figure out how to use this program I am sure it will save a great deal of time.  Thank you for it.

That sounds like something you would see from some auctionsite trying to sell a new piece of software. But I mean it. I really am impressed and a little embarassed because I have had a bad taste in my mouth for so many things that have come out in last few years and when my dad (who is a TMSO in Denver) asked me to download your program and help him figure out to make the email portion work I had predjudiced feeling about even going to your site. But I was pleasantly wrong. For whatever reason you have built these programs you've held to a standard that is lacking in many places that shall remain nameless but I imagine you've seen your share. When all other words fail may "thank you " fill the bottom of the void.

The program is great I am just a plain publisher but in the spanish congregacion some of the bother are not very familiar with so our school servant I tried to show him from scratch now he will be able to do it on his own and when he leaves the position he will be able to train the next elder. Great Job Thanks Very Much!

TMS Explorer is a fantastic program...just what I was looking for. This program turns a 3-4 hour monthly scheduling job into 20-30 minutes of work. Thanks so much for your hard work!! btw...the auto-update feature is GREAT!

Excellent program!

This is the best program available. User friendly for first timers. Please could you consider writting one for the secretary. Thank you.

Thanks for all your hard work

Keep up the good Work I Love this School Program its GREAT

I have been the school overseer in two congregations and I remember when I did it all by hand. I have been very greatful to the brothers who have put forth so much effort in putting these programs together to make our job so much easier. I certainly enjoy your program. Thanks again

Thank you so much for providing such a valuable tool. This program has assisted me tremendously in my efforts to serve the congregation fully. In fact I am so grateful that I will even break my own self-imposed rule by using what I feel is the most over-used word in the Christian vocabulary: I APPRECIATE your hard work; truly I do!

Cool Program Very beneficial.I must say I like the size of the complaint box!

Fantastic program.  Fantastic programmer.  Great timesaver in an area we all need to have more time to be able to spend.  Time that is needed for more important things like helping students to progress in the TM School and concentrating on what talk is appropriate to a given student.  Thanks again Rob and thank your family many times over.

New to program was tmss4 user sooo greatful for your efforts in this way.Will look forward to long term use of a really swift program.Will support it as long as  needed.Wonderful thing to see brothers benifit so many with their skill and hard work. Thankyou very much

WOW!!! I just got David's letter referring me to your site. I downloaded and converted my files in seconds. I didn't know what I was going to do when I couldn't get this years copy of TMSS4 what a relief! Wheew. As assistant to the TMSO I tend to do all of the scheduling and no one has shown me how to do it. I was however given a copy of TMSS and it has been a life saver. I have wanted a Windows based program. Yours is great. I gladly register my copy. Thanks for the countless hours you have spent in our behalf.

Thanks for the hard work that has saved us hard work every day.

It's clear that this took time and patience brother. All who are assigned to the school (including myself) are deeply appreciative of your hard work. What a delight to work along with brothers who truly care for the needs of the congregation. Thank you again .

found your program online when I was assigned to do the school this past year and I found the TMS 2002 program great. I awaited the development of the 2003 program with great expectation. I haven't been disappointed. It is obviously a lot of work. And I'm grateful to you and all others that may have been included in the putting together of this fine tool.

Thank You very much. I just scheduled the school manually this past week end. I had forgotten how much work that was as I have been useing the TMMS program. I am really looking forward to using a window based program.

Just downloaded the new software and am happy to hear that it has a means to convert data from the TMSS4 DOS program that I had been using. I really appreciate you brothers efforts in helping us to save at least 80% of our time when scheduling the school!!

We have been referred to your website by various brothers - you come very highly recommended.   Please let us know as soon as the Spanish version of the TMS software is ready - we would love to start using it.  We really appreciate the fact that you have made the scheduling process so much easier - thanks for all of your hard work!

Just downloaded the NEW BABY...TMS2003.  LOVE IT! Can't wait until the Spanish version is done.

I hope I can get get the program when it is ready. I appreciate the work your doing. I sure makes it easier to have a program for scheduling. Thanks

LOOKING FORWARD TO THE NEW 2003 VERSION WE Appreciate your hard work in our behalf

I am new to your site we moved to a  "new" congregation where I was appointed the School Overseer.  A regular pioneer  uses your site and recommended you.  I am looking forward to the new 2003 school and will look forward to downloading your program.  Keep up the good work! 

I'm Looking forward to the new TMS program for 2003.
I very new to the program but what I see impressed me.

Thank you thank you thank you. Having been assigned to a different congregation January 2002 and also assigned as TMSO the TMS software (which switched congregations with me) has been a huge hit  and a wonderful time saver.  Speaking for anyone who has ever tried to schedule manually (yes - we used to do it that way)... thanks for a very 'user friendly' product and many thanks for all the response that has come our way for any request we make of you.

Looking forward to the shipping of TMS explorer as the time approaches to generate the first 2003 schedule.

And ju$t a reminder to everyone el$e... (it'$ "$hareware" - $o don't forget to regi$ter and $end the a$ked-for donation$ - (a nominal amount indeed)). (oop$ that pe$ky $ key again).   ;-)

just want to thank you for your hard work... it seems that i'm
not the only one who apreciates it. keep up the good work and may JAH
bless you for your efforts in our behalf

I have been using TMS Manager for almost a year and it really saves me a lot of time

Just started using your program. So far it is easy to work with. Thank you for the time you've invested!

what used to take me 4 hours by hand takes me less than an hour thanks to this program. i recommend it for anyone preparing the school schedule and the assignment slips. thanks again for such a valuable tool and all you hard work in making our work all the more easier

I've been using your program for about 3 years now and greatly
appreciate the time that it saves me.  I also appreciate how quickly you
respond to any questions that I've had.  I would feel guilty asking them if
I had not registered the program.  Looking forward to receiving the 2003

I installed the TMS 2002 for our TMSSO and he is so excited now he looks forward to preparing the schedules.  Thank you for a great product and your labor of love!

Keep up the great work...Love your program...Can't wait to get the new version for the new school book.
J.A. Oregon USA
Thank You so much for this program. It saves me countless hours and my printouts are great. I have recommended it to other School Overseers I know and they also seem delighted to have it.

I really enjoy the programs and the hard work that went into them. Thank You


Just stumbled on this software and found it to be invaluable.
Thanks for the hard work and making it available.


This tool has been of tremendous value and saved countless hours. Thank you for continuing to update it. I am very pleased to hear you plan a new version for the modified school in 2003.
I have enjoyed using the program the last few years.
I enjoy your program very much. It saves me much valuable time. I've been using it for about 2 yrs and it is a tool that is indispensable. Also nice to see an appealling web site. :-)

Thanks for all of the hard work and time that you have put into this software. With everyone as busy as they are as the end draws near it is soo helpfull.


Thank you thank you thank you-- I was afraid you might not update this year and I would have to set up a new program. Yours works great-- easy to setup and make changes. It saves me hours
Very very helpful. Am making sure I have the latest version so the new School Conductor (as of next week) can run with it as well
Thank you for all your hard work in reducing our work load.
I am a school overseer and have had great success in using the previous program. Looking forward to using this newer version
Execellent program it has help me since I became School servant. I was Secretary for over 5 years so this is a shock being up in front of the congregation every Tuesday this program again has help to insure we have no no-shows.
excellent program. having problems trasfering the files from one
Anxious to see how this works versus other programs I've used.....Will let you know how it goes.
The School Manager program has really been a help. I appreciate the hard work that you've put in to this program to help make my assignment a little more easier and a lot more enjoyable.

Thanks so much!
This is my first time visiting your site and I really look forward to exploring the many features you have listed.

Thanks for making this available

Execellent program it has help me since I became School servant. I was Secretary for over 5 years so this is a shock being up in front of the congregation every Tuesday this program again has help to insure we have no no-shows.
We have heard alot about your program. would love to try it.
I'm downloading it to give to the School Overseer. I'm going to try and put it on a floppy disk.

Thank You and he will if neccessary register it

I am a school overseer that has been using your program for about 3yrs. I think it is an excellent program for the TMS.

One of the best that I've ever used.
Always enjoyed the program as it helps my family and I prepare well for meetings despite our hectic schedule. Keep up the good works!!
This is my first time on this site. I have just recently accepted the Theocratic Ministry School assignmnet.
excellent work. I am and elder in the oviedo spanish congregation and i conduct the school. Thanks for your time and effort in this program. I save a lot of time
I was unable to post positive comments-sorry the box on your site wasn't working. Anyway-I very much appreciate your efforts in producing the program. It has been a tremendous help to me in caring for my assignment. I'm sorry I had to post the commnts in the "negative comments" box. My only comments are positive
Thank you so much for an excellent program.
Thank you so very much. This program is so helpful
I am searching for a new scheduler as we have discussed a change in assignments in which I may resume conducting the school. I hope this is what I'm looking for
I  like the big positive comments box and the itty bitty negative box. One improvement: When a sister is used as a HH TMS thinks she also gave a talk and thus puts her lower on the list.
like I mention in your positive comments...a demo would be a more positive way of helping those with a less computerized mind..
Thanks you for these excelent job I hope Jahova bless your effort to help the brotherhood
Sorry that I do not have any positive comments as I am new to this prodramme.
Thank you for your hard work in making this utility available. 
Your brother in thr Truth
I have not used your program before. The program I have been using for about 7 years is DOS based. I believe (hope) your TMS program may be more effiecient. I will let you know how I like it if you want me to.
Thank you
I was humored by the difference in size of the comments boxes.
Please keep up the outstanding work. I'm sure that I can speak for all the Brothers that utilize your program that we sincerely appreciate your efforts. Anything that I can do to help please ask. If you are ever out [our] way let me know.
I can't imagine going back to the old way.
I love your program. Have been using it for years great job. Looking forward to the new program this year and all the extras...
I like the ability to keep up to date with the progress of the students by just clicking on their names and see when their last talk was and when their next one is. I am very busy not only with my secular employment but with congregation responsisbilties and I like the time saving factor of the program.
Been using your program for some time now and don't know where I would find the time to write out all the schedules and slips so PLEASE don't leave! keep surporting us to make Life a little easier!
Excellent work especially since you sent me the source files and I'm using access 2000 to design the compete school slip.
Well done.

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Hi again Robert. Just a quick note to say Hi ... I haven't bothered you with any problems for while. There's good reasons for that ... 1) The program itself is excellent and I appreciate very much your hard work on it. 2) We've moved to another city (Calgary) and of course another congregation (Ogden). Here I am serving as the Aux. Counsellor and no longer do i schedule the school.
   I am going to keep the program and keep updating it because I really enjoy it and look forward to any opportunity to use it again.

Your brother ............. G.A. Canada
Your program is very easy to use.  An excellent tool!  Thank You.

M.H. Canada
I appreciate the school program every time I use it. Thank you for your hard work in our behalf. Am looking forward to the 2005 version. 

                 Your Brother in BC
Robert just a quick note to tell you that I am REALLY appreciating this program. I can still give the School the personal attention that it deserves and save some time with the scheduling too.
Thank you very much for your hard work.

G.A. Canada
Robert I would like to thank you for all your hard work as well as your family. I have really enjoyed the program. Having used it for 6 months I have to say your program and your promp help are great. Even though I'm moving on to other assignments the brother who is taking over is impressed. Thanks again

H.P Canada
Nice to have something that works and pleases the cong. with the font style on the info board copy. Anxious to see the new baby when it's born. It looks like a lot of great useful features.

G. Canada
Dear Brother
    Just a short note to thank you for the school program.
I have used it for three years now and though I am not really computer literate I have no trouble using this program! Thank you for making my life a lot easier

J.D.  Canada
Thank you so very much for all your hard work.  The TMS program is joy to work with and save me so much precious time. 

K.N. Canada
Well done Robert! I have been using the program for about a year and now find it invaluable. I am enjoying the new features in the latest version. I love that the program is so customizable (at least if you have Access).

I am the assistant to the school overseer and he loves the worksheets and schedules that I give him. If only he knew how easy it really is!! Thanks for your hard work. Looking forward with much anticipation to the new school guidebook and the 2003 School Manager to go with it.

J. Canada

Robert this is an awesome program which I have been using for two years now. It is so easy and simple to navigate through the menus. I especially like the new "E-mail" alert feature to ensure the students are prepared. Keep up the good work I look forward to what you will have to offer in 2003!
L.D. Canada
I really appreciate your program it really works well and saves a lot of time for me. The only "problem" I sometimes have is that the program counts a householder as an assignment and I find that as a result some sisters do not receive assignments regularly.
N.F. Canada 
I have used your program in the past and find it an excellent program. I used to schedule our TMS by hand from deskpad with graph paper. It was great for single glance information ie: how often talks were given who HH were etc. but it took hours to make up and print schedules. Thank you for making this program available
H.K. Canada
Hi Robert I've used your program for 2 years now and I am very happy with it. It has made my assignment much easier to do a good job of. Thank you very much.
D.L. Canada
I'm interested on your software.  I conduct the B school and would love to have some useful tools.  Thanks you for the effort you have put on these tools for our benefit
I have heard about this application for years but I never knew where to obtain it. Thank you for making this program available. I am anxious to begin using it.
I have just downloaded you program to my PC.  it is great!  It's very complete and I have not found any bugs yet!  :) 

One thing that I would like to ask you is 2 things:  First how did you compiled it to work with the runtime files and Second:  Could I somehow modify the School information to show in Spanish.  It would be very helpful to me since I belong to a Spanish Cong.

It would be nice If I could get some assistnae on these two questions.

Everything else it's GREAT!!!!

Thank you for the big time and effort that you have put to this software!


Lieber Robert

danke für Dein Arbeit. Es ist ein hervorragender Software die Du uns zu Verfügung gestellt hast.

Dear Robert
thank you for your nice work. It is a very usefull tool you have create for us.


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It is a great tool for the TMS. Thank you for your effort.

T.B. Germany
Ein sehr gutes Programm !  Vielen Dank für deine Mühe! Es erleichtert die Arbeit sehr und hilft Zeit sparen !

M.F. Germany
Dear Robert !

Many thank`s for the tool TMS Explorer !
M.F. Germany
Seit Jan 03 benütze ich den Explorer in Deutsch.
Als Aufseher der Theokratische Schule (TSA) konnte ich die software
ausprobieren und ob sie von nutzen ist.
Nach einem Jahr kann ich berichten dass die software ein sehr sehr gutes
Werkzeug ist um das Schulprogramm zu erstellen
aber auch dem Aufseher die Arbeit sehr zu  erleichtert.
Die software erstellt die Berichte genau und automatisch was die Arbeit
sehr vereinfacht. Man muss keine Listen führen !!!!!
Ich kann die software von Robert nur empfehlen und danke für seine mühevolle

Since Jan 03 I am using the Explorer in the German language.
As a TMSO I could see how it runs and if it will be of benefit for me.
After nearly one year I can  say it is a very very good tool to save time in
scheduling the school but as well to help much in doing the job as a TMSO.
And added to this it keeps all the records accurate automatically what make
the work much easier. You need not to keep lists !!!!
I do appreciate this software from Robert and I am thanking him for his hard

B.W.   Deutschland

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You have made a great program well written and you have thought of everything even translated into norwegian. I've just started using it and it seems very good. Thank you for your effort it's very helpfull.

I.B. Norway

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New Zealand

Have heard great reports about the program so will see for myself. Will keep in touch

J.K. New Zealand

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Thanks for the TMS program

D.H. Netherlands
I greatly appreciate Br Hudson's initiative. I sincerely hope that the programme will last until we do not need it any more in paradise. Please do not take this time-saver away from us!

T.V.D. Netherlands

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Puerto Rico

Great Job..

S.S. Puerto Rico

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United Kingdom

As a busy family man as well as an elder this program has been a blessing.  Can I thank you for giving us a super tool so we can spend more time dealing with the "more important things".

P.D. England
Fine program. Have it working on both PC and Mac! Saves so much time and lets the TMSOs utilising it to spend more time on preparing the Counsel points talks items etc. as well as aiding us to have more time to spend with our families. Thank you so much. May we also thank Jehovah for providing us with such a fine brotherhood including many with a selfless self-sacrificing spirit such as yours which is very much appreciated and is sure to bring our God's blessing.

A.W. Scotland
Dear brother
I wanted to congratulate you for your work in putting together this program. I've been using it for the past 2 years and it's fantastic. I made myself a Portuguese version as I'm in a Portuguese congregation in London. Obviously if your are thinking in continuing updating this program I will be more than happy to send it to you and therefore make it available to other brothers. Let me know what you think about the idea.
Just one more question: I know we've just received the program for next year but are you going to release a new version for 2005?
Christian Love
your brother
I have been using the program for about 6 months and feel it has clearly enhanced and speeded up my preparation work thus enabling me to spend more time studying the actual material that will be presented on the night.

Cheers for the excellent work you have done

T.A. England
I have just been appointed as the TMS overseer. I have many other Theocratic responsibilites and this program saves me a lot of time in managing the TMS school. The hard work you have put into this program is much appreciated.

R.M.. UK
I have just come across this recently and I am beginning to learn it.

This looks to be a very well thought out programme. Thank you for all your hard work which no doubt will benefit Brothers and Sisters around the world.

Jehovah's blessing.

John - England
Excellent program. I have been working on a similar project for a while. But why reinvent the wheel! It makes the administration of the school a lot easier than years gone by without losing the most important aspect of the school - to help our brothers and sisters in the ministry.

Thank you very much for your work in our behalf...


I enjoy using TMS as it helps a lot with my school prep and keeping tabs on all the assignments. Look forward to using the new features

Very good work
B.T. United Kingdom

Thank you for your work
Your brother in Jehovahs service.
M.M. England
I enjoy using TMS as it helps a lot with my school prep and keeping tabs on all the assigments. Look forward to using the new features

very good work
B.T. United Kingdom

exelent program saves so much of my valuable as a tms overseer.
W.J. United Kingdom

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Querido hermano: El programa es fantastico facilita mucho la labor del sup. Escuela. y es excelente que ademas lleve la información de la escuela. el programa es inmejorable. gracias

F.T. España
A Sunny HELLO!
I´m from a small multi language congragation (danish swedish and norwegian) and we have found your pogram extreemly usefull. Thank You!
Alex Manfred Jensen

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As a newly appointed elder my first responsibility is to serve the congregation as TMSO. Your program is bound to save many hours of labor. Thank you for you efforts.

M.K. Australia
THANK-YOU so much brother for all the hardwork you have done to make our jobs easier down-under.

K.A.  Australia
As TMSO have been using the old WinTM program for twelve months or so.  Marvellous! Am very happy to contribute as I very much appreciate the work done to provide such an excellent time-saving tool.

R.P. Australia
Dear Robert I have always been impressed with your program and look forward to use the TMS 2002 Version very soon.
I like to thank you very much for your marvelous effort to produce and provide this program.
All the very best and kind regards  
R. Australia
No como sera usar su programa pero me gustaria tener una copia de el para usarlo en la congregacion aqui en Australia en Español lo cual nos facilitaria mucho el trabajo no se tienen un programa para los discursos publicos pero creo que es mucho pedir sin embargo muchisimas gracias por ahorrarnos el trabajo con la escuela teocratica

L.D. Australia

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Hi Robert
               Taking on School just in time for 2003 schedule. Fascinated with your program. Years of blood sweat & tears evident.
               Warm Commendation
                   M.L. Ireland.

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Hello. Thank you for this good program. I was surprised when I imagened that this program was translated to danish. I am just testing this and is very satisfied. I will recommend this to other brothers in Denmark Regards

F.J. Denmark
Hello. Thank you for this good program.
TMS Explorer is a fantastic...just what I was looking for.


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Dear brothers

I really look forward to working with you shoulder to shoulder in paradise! How I yearn to ask you all the questions on the challenges inspiration and blessings related to your so wonderfully designed program! If you need help on your team- for free-I am always there- I work in the IT field though a very big armature compared to you brother(s).

Your program has relly made my work easy as TMS assistant!

Brotherly Love

S.L. Zambia/Botswna
Dear Brothers
thanks very much for the useful and time saving program.  I am serving as an international servant in Malawi.  I am trying to register with your website but am failing to do so.  Any suggestions?  Thanks again and keep up the good work.

T.G. Malawi
Excellent programme. I have just began using it! Now when the 2005 schedule comes how should I insert this in my current programme. I hope I won\'t have to start entering the names all over again!!
Otherwise thanks. In Kenya we say \"hakuna matata\" no problem with your programme.

K.L. Kenya
I have heard great comments about this programme now its my time to see for myself. I know it will do all the wonderful things people have mentioned. I\'m having difficulties downloading it though but will not give up. Keep up the good work!

I.N. Zambia
I chanced upon this wonderful site sometime last year and it has been wonderful. I cannot express enough appreciation for its value and benefit to me especially when I handled the school in my congregation- GRA ONITSHA.

G.O. Nigeria
As a TMS overseer I find this program to be very helpfull.  I only hope you won't think it too much trouble to update the schedule.

Thank you again.

R.B. South Africa
A great program to use and has saved me hours of work. Thanks keep up the good work!

C.C. South Africa
Thank you very much for the hard work
being a analyst/developer myself I know how much time and effort goes into
making a quality appealing functional application (hence why I've never
written one myself and why re-invent the wheel anyway?  :)

Looking forward to the 2003 edition!

M.R. South Africa
WOW! This is a tremendous tool. I'm new to this tool but so many brothers expressed gratitude for this.
Keep up the good work

With Love from Soweto South Africa

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Greeting from Mexico English Circuit 3!
I just wanted to take a moment and express my thanks and appreciation for your hard work in preparing this application. The 'need' in the English field of Mexico means a lot of our local brothers are working extra hard to care for their respective responsibilities. This program helps us quite a bit. May Jehovah continue to bless your efforts!

S.D. Mexico
This Program is nice! Thank you

K. Mexico
Ya instale el programa de la escuela
y lo estare utilizando para este año  pero me gustaria me ayudaras   estoy aprendiendo (por mi cuenta) de access  y quiero un programa para el informe de servicio. si puedes ayudarme te lo agradeceria mucho.

L.R. Mexico
Excelente programa!

A.M.G. Mexico

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Hong Kong

Many Thanks for your work brother.  I use it not only to mange the school but to learn some ways to organize database.
Keep it up ! nice and cool!

A.L. Hong Kong

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It's a great work! I enjoy your excellent program very much.
What about interfaces in other languages? :-)

K.K. Poland

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Merci pour votre travail C'est le programme le plus utile que j'ai trouvé sur le net. Est-il possible d'être averti des mises à jour? Encore toutes mes félicitations Fraternelles salutations

D.M. France
Peut-on avoir une notice en français?
Et comment récupérer les enregistrements déjà inscrits sur la congrégation lors d\'une nouvelle ouverture du progamme?

merci pource bon programme...

B. France

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I appreciate your 'gift'. You know what I mean. This software is precious because I save a lot of time when organizing the monthly school schedule and this time can be invested in caring for our brothers. Thank you.

M.L. Italy
grazie mille del programma della scuola è veramente utile e pratico

R. Italy
Vivissimi complimenti per il grande lavoro svolto. So che non e facile coniugare tempo preparazione per le adunanze stesura di programmi e quantaltro. Questo strumento permette di avere sempre una visione organizzata di cio che riguarda la congregazione. Ancora i piu vivi complimenti!

L.F. Italy
E' un programma eccezionale che permette ai fratelli di velocizzare i tempi di attribuzioni parti e dedicare più tempo alle cose spirituali. Un sentito grazie per quanto hai fatto

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gracias por el esfuerzo lo aprevechare al maximo.

E.B. Venezuela
Estimado hermano: Quiero expresar mi mas sincero agradecimiento por este excelente programa. Es muy completo y a permitido mejorar la organizacion que se debe llevar en la Escuela. felicitaciones por su gran trabajo!

W.F. Venezuela

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Other Countries

I have very recently learned about this site and program and I am very keen to use and experience the excellent results I have heard about.

E.W. Trinidad & Tobago
Dear Robert

thank you very much for such a lovely software of yours. I am well aware of the amount of time and energy that you have put forth in creating such a simple and easy software that has been made available for the benefit of the brothers who are creating Theocratic School Schedule for the congregation as things are to be taken "decently and by arrangement" clearly showing that Jehovah is a God of order
Malo 'Aupito 'a e Tokoni (thank you for help)

R.L. Tonga
It's a great software. Congratulations. I want to help you for translate in romanian.

C.R. Romania
I have just downloaded your program. And I am really impressed of the good work you have done. Thank you.

I will register to help you develope further.
May Jehova bless you brothers

Gracias ! por su excelente programa
es algo que estuve buscando por ahi..
hay otros pero son un poco dificil de usar el suyo hermano es Genial!!!

facil.. de usar y en diferentes idiomas  que mas pedir ..
nada mas.... que jehova bendiga sus esfuerzos y tengamos mas herramientas para usarlo en la adoracion verdadera

saludos cristiano !!!

C. USA Spanish
Agradezco el esfuerzo por el desarrollo de esta herramienta tan util. Hemos estado trabajando con ella aca en Bolivia


J.C.V. Bolivia
Gracias a Jehova que en su organizacion hay especialistas en tantas ramas como es la informatica.
Este progragrama sin duda es una herramienta muy util.  Sigan adelante...!!!

J.R.F. Dominican Republic
Thank you very much for this wonderful software... It is a great tool for TMS.
Jehovah bless you work and dedication.

J.J. Columbia
Nice work brother...I've been using this for the past 6 months and also intro'd to our brothers in India who have started using as well...

I. India
Hi Rob

I have appreciated much the TMS Explorer !
Tank's a lot for all the Features who works very fine.

May Jehovah bless you and your family

D.P. Switzerland
Thank you for the time you have invested! TMSE is a handsome program and a wonderful timesaver! Brothers thanks for the Dutch translation. Great!

G.B. Belgium
¡Que buen programa! Súper útil. Permite \'comprarse tiempo oportuno\' para cumplir con otras asignaciones. Nada más me gustaría saber si vamos a tener la actualización para el 2005.


W.S.V. Coata Rica
I really love this program. The body of elders (inc. me) in our congregation specially our TMS overseer found it VERY USEFUL in giving assignments and to record the student's accomplishment.

May Jehovah bless you!

R.A. Philppines
Thank you brother!

I. Sweden
I\'m Korean brother living in Argentina :-)
The program looks very useful.
Can I help with the translation?
I want to know if TMSExplorer gonna remain free. ^^
I am just downloading your program now but I am very happy to have Brother's like yourself that help in making program's for our need in this sytem of thing's to help in our advancement's in serving Jehovah. Thankyou very much !
Your Brother
Great Site!
I find your programmes very useful and encouraging and hope you keep up the no doubt very hard work
Thanks for offering this program.
Just assigned the School its been a while would like to benefit from the fruits of your labor

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